Problems in superfine comminution of traditional Chinese Medicine
Problems in superfine comminution of traditional Chinese Medicine
1. Safety
In production, it is required that the selected equipment should have good stability, no pollution to the product, and pay attention to the spontaneous combustion of powder.
2. Crushing degree
Traditional Chinese medicine mainly includes plant medicine, animal medicine and mineral medicine. Plant medicine can be divided into root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, seed, bark and so on according to the medicinal parts, and the components are very complex. Not all drugs are suitable for superfine grinding, and the finer the powder, the better. If the drug contains volatile oil, the volatile oil components may be lost in the preparation of powder by ultra-fine grinding, which will affect the efficacy.
3. In vivo adhesion
Because of the small size of bio comminuted particles, whether they will adhere to the gastrointestinal mucosa, affect gastrointestinal peristalsis, mucosal absorption, gastrointestinal hormone secretion, cell and cell membrane function remains to be investigated. Jiangxi University of traditional Chinese medicine and others have investigated some traditional Chinese medicine superfine powder, and no adverse phenomenon such as adhesion has been found in clinic, but it still needs further large-scale clinical investigation.
4. Side effects
Superfine grinding may increase the toxicity of drugs containing toxic components and affect the safety of drugs. The dissolution rate of biological comminution preparation increases, so that the dissolution of active ingredients and other ingredients increases at the same time. Whether the chemical changes of the active ingredients in the cells will cause new adverse reactions or side effects in the kidney, liver, blood, cardiovascular, nervous system and other organs or systems after the cell wall breaking of traditional Chinese medicine should be carefully investigated, and the pharmacological and clinical research must be strengthened at the same time.